Drowned Earth 001: An Oviraptor is not just for Christmas

Before Christmas my daughter asked for an Oviraptor model to paint (as every 7 year old girl does.) Surprisingly when I searched for unpainted oviraptor models I came across Drowned Earth (https://www.thedrownedearth.com) which meant I was able to tick one thing off the Christmas list.

A few days later out of interest I went back to the site to have a look at the game and it piqued my interest so ended up doing some Christmas shopping for myself (rulebook, Bondsmen starter set and Miltia starter set.) The ruleset looks interesting and the models have a certain character; looking forward to getting a game in.

Christmas Present – To me from me


Seeing as some of the appeal is the jungle setting I ordered some terrain from Wargames Terrain Workshop (https://wargamesterrainworkshop.co.uk). An enclosure seemed a good piece of scenery for a village and hiding an objective in. The jungle plants gave some break from my normal terrain (buildings).

I paid a little extra for them to be painted by me. I was impressed by the speed of service and the quality of what came – see below. I’ve saved their website in my favourites as I suspect I will get a bit more sometime.

Wargames Terrain Workshop Painted Terrain
Close up of the enclosure

To bulk out the terrain I also got some Gale Force 9 terrain – Toxic Pools “Battlefield in a Box”. Not quite as impressive as the previous terrain but still an easy way to bulk out my jungle. Also handily some basing material came with it.


I’ve started to paint up my Bondsmen and Militia and will do a post when I get a game in.

One comment

  1. Hope your daughter has lots of fun painting her Oviraptor, it’s always amazing how one purchase can spark a new avenue of gaming !
    Glad you liked our terrain and the shout out, hope you have many hours of happy gaming over them


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