Carnevale: Intro Game

Now that I had some grasp of the rules it was time to try and find some other players for Carnevale. Luckily it turns out there is a local gaming group close to me so I posted up in their page if anyone was interested and a couple of people responded “yes”.

A good start and so on Monday I went down to the club with the starter set and a couple of extra bits of terrain (bridge, floating debris and some wells). At this point it’s probably worth just saying how useful the tiles and cardboard buildings are from the starter set. Pack up easily in a single bag to take over to the club.

For the demo I went for “Conflict” as it gave a chance to show off most of the mechanics without complicating things too much. As after all I am not a veteran player myself.

The game flowed very well and we had an entertaining series of comedy events; typical was a slave who threw a citizen off the building into the canal and then jumped in to drown him. We got all the core mechanics of the game in such as climbing, falling, grappling, drowning and rowing into the game Most importantly the game was fun and he was googling the price of a starter Strigoi as we played 🙂

What was really interesting was the speed he picked up the rules; never having seen the ruleset before by turn 3 he was talking confidently about aces and fumbles.  There was also some other interest and questions about the game from someone else interested in the world of Carnevale.

Unfortunately I never really got any real pictures of the game in. Too busy talking about the game so just one little picture at the end.

demogame Next time I will aim to get a few photos in especially as I’ve started to assemble some MDF terrain.  Work in progress below.



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