Kill Team

A week ago I wasn’t too sure what to spend my hobby time on as I’ve built up a big backlog. Seeing as there was some interest in Kill Team at my local gaming club I decided to open up my box. It has sat there for a months so it was good to get a chance to try out. I didn’t set out with the aim of writing a battle report and so this is quite a “concise” report.

For the intro game I decided to build up some Adeptus Astartes and Death Guard.

My opponent took Death Guard as he is interested in collecting them and I took my Void Vipers.

For mission we went for Covert Ops and decided to not bother with specialists or the scouting phase; just to keep it simple for the first game.

Unfortunately for the Void Vipers the mission ended up being just a single objective sitting snugly in the Death Guard home ground.

Blighted Fortifications

The Void Vipers deployed in the ruins nearby.


The Marines fared poorly in the opening shots with the Death Guard taking out the missile launcher. I should have set him up further back as cover alone wasn’t enough.

On the other flank the marines got ready for a flanking charge. They were intercepted by Pox Walkers on Turn 2 but the marines easily cut them down.


However countering them was the Death Guard Champion and Pox Walkers. The Pox Walkers charged forwards whilst the Champion covered them with Plasma fire support. The marines easily held the line and cut them down.


This did slow the marines down and so they had to all advance rapidly to try and seize the objective. However this was futile as the Death Guard picked off each of the marines in turn.

As a learning game I did enjoy this; even if my marines were cursed by the chaos gods and were unable to shoot accurately. One thing I did appreciate was the ease of setting up and getting into the game; literally board set up took a couple of minutes. Also even though it was the first game we had played we didn’t have to consult the rules often.

However without specialists the game didn’t have quite enough choice and variety. So next time they will be used. And of course next time I will actually take some notes to do a proper write up rather than this sketchy recollection.P1010661

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